You Can’t Innovate Without Thinking About The Future

Chris Kalaboukis
3 min readAug 21, 2022

There are many reasons why I enjoy facilitating our customers’ foresight initiatives. It is easier to help your inventors disconnect their current day-to-day jobs from the future for which they are developing ideas. It is less restrictive than asking them to come up with an innovation that they can deliver today or even within the parameters of patentability when you ask them to think about a period that is more than ten years in the future. We can have the most fun when we think about a period that is more than ten years in the future.

The nice thing about futurist programs is that they can actually unleash all of the wild concepts in their heads that they have thought about but knew may never fly. This is a very cool thing about futurist programs. People can generally only envision five years into the future when asked to consider ten years into the future, leading to the generation of inspiring and innovative ideas ideal for generating focused intellectual property. If that is not the result you want, we can simply backcast that notion to the present day and offer the predecessor to those thoughts, which will result in the generation of ideas that may be put into action right away.

Some believe it is challenging to think about the future since there are many factors to consider and opportunities. However, if you ask me…

