To Disrupt, Or Not to Disrupt

Chris Kalaboukis
8 min readJun 27, 2017

Let’s face it — most people just don’t like change. We like things being the way that they are — even the word “upset” has a negative connection — to turn over the “set” to break with the established order. The only problem is — there are so many things we have the ability to just SOLVE, only we would be willing to “upset” things.

As I write this, I can hear raindrops on my roof — California is finally getting some much-needed rain. We’ve been in severe drought for over 4 years now, no doubt you have seen those pretty scary photos of lakes simply disappearing — boats in the middle of the lake simply beached. Our water is disappearing — it has barely rained here and we are feeling the pain. Until the last few days, we’ve had almost never-ending sunny days for the last four years. No one knows if we will see enough rain this year to take us out of the drought.

I thought about that when I read and watched an interview with a scientist who hadn’t showered in 12 years. He used very little water, only washing his hands just prior performing experiments. Apparently, he had devised a way to stay clean by spraying himself with a mist that he had invented which combined beneficial bacteria which both destroyed the bacteria which made him smell, and at the same time, supplemented his skin with other bacteria (from dirt, apparently) which nourished his skin.

