The Opposite of Love Is Indifference

Chris Kalaboukis
3 min readJan 29, 2018

Indifference Is The Enemy Of Innovation

What is worse? Being rejected or being ignored?Maybe its time to “Make Rejection Great Again.”

While the pain from rejection can be severe, the closure that one gets from the rejection can allow people to move on to other things. When someone pours their heart and soul into an idea which they feel is great, then they hear nothing — nothing good or bad — then the lack of communication becomes one of the worst possible things you can do.

Studies have shown that the pain caused by ignoring individuals can in some cases be more painful than physical pain. In ancient tribes and societies, being shunned or expelled from a community could be tantamount to the death penalty. As a mostly social animal, (although recently an increase in introversion may have changed this somewhat) we crave approval and communication with others.

This is likely embedded deeply in what author Charles Duhigg calls our “dinosaur brain” the oldest part of our brain (which also happens to be where our habits are stored), as ostracism has always been a highly effective punishment — familiar to almost every high school student — you are either a somebody people pay attention to or a nobody. (Actually, if you think about it, social media has turned life itself into high

