How To Be The Next Elon Musk

Chris Kalaboukis
4 min readSep 28, 2017

If you spend any time on Quora, the question and answer site which I pioneered a version of from 2000–2005 (as I’ve always said — being a futurist is like being a meteorologist, you are usually right, but at the wrong time) you’ll find an inordinate fascination with Elon Musk.

You’ll find questions on everything from his business acumen to his personal habits. You’ll find out when he gets up in the morning and what he eats for breakfast, all the different things he does during the day, (as I’ve said before, if you want to be ultraproductive, you need to schedule your every waking moment — and keep to that schedule) and when he goes to bed.

It’s safe to say that he has now taken up the mantle of “famous-eccentric-rich-guy-that-I-would-really-like-to-be-like” (now that Steve Jobs is no longer available — although many continue to attempt to “Be Like Steve”) with apologies to my personal favorite in that category — Peter Theil (sorry, but you are far too libertarian for Silicon Valley — BTW when are those seasteading ships finally going to launch? I need to buy a berth.)

But I digress.

Musk seems to be able to create new businesses out of the ether as often as we brush our teeth — all based on the latest pet peeve that personally bothers him — love the environment — starts an electric car company — hate flying from SF to…

