Embrace Change And Conquer The Future

Chris Kalaboukis
6 min readOct 23, 2022

“I’m afraid the patient doesn’t have much longer to live,” the doctor said. There is a treatment, but it has some serious adverse effects. The patient responded, “I’ll take it!” What adverse reactions can I expect?” The doctor sighed and said, “Well, primarily cultural change.” Those hierarchies and communication channels that were just so perfectly formed may fall apart. There is a possibility that individuals will communicate with one another across their respective functional silos. People may spend some of their time thinking about the company’s future rather than doing their immediate jobs, which may result in developing innovative new approaches to conducting business or new products. You may undergo such sweeping transformations that your business will become unrecognizable. Patient: “Hmm. I’ll have to give that some thought.


Before I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, there were two magazines-Wired and Forbes ASAP-that I read consistently. Both of these publications are focused on business. I would go to my neighborhood bookstore, which was called This Ain’t the Rosedale Library and was typically stocked with communist manifestos and other publications containing opinions on the fringe of society, in addition to having a large variety of magazines from all over the world. They even picked up my high school publication, which I called…

