Attempting Amazing Products? You Get What You Promote For

Chris Kalaboukis
3 min readOct 9, 2022

Are you interested in bringing more innovation into your company? Put an end to the celebration of promotions.

The world of business is an exciting and fascinating place. It was stuck in a hierarchical system for a very long period, with workers reporting to managers, who reported to directors, who reported to vice presidents, and who reported to presidents (or the C-Suite). Is it still current, or does it represent an artifact from a bygone era?

A “career ladder” used to exist in the past. You would earn a degree by attending college and completing your studies. After that, while you were still in college, you would begin cultivating contacts that would be useful for the remainder of your working life. When you graduate from college, you could secure an entry-level position either due to your abilities or thanks to the endorsement of one of your former classmates. You would work at that position for some time, gaining experience in the organization and working toward a promotion to manager level. If they did not promote you, you would go to another firm and successfully obtain the promotion there. The objective was to “climb the professional ladder” until finally, at some organization, you arrive in the corner office — the C-Suite, ideally as the CEO. This would be considered a successful outcome.

